Allen Jayne Centre

Get to Know Us
Allen Jayne Centre (AJ Centre) is incorporated under AJ Education and Training Centre Sdn Bhd. We are a Cambridge English Registered Preparation Centre. In 2024, we have been awarded the Preparation Centre certificate by Cambridge English University. The award will only recognise students from an official preparation centre like Allen Jayne if they were registered as candidates with us. AJ Centre teachers are professionals who have vast teaching experience and is certified in Teaching Knowledge test (TKT), a professional credential that focuses on core teaching concepts for teachers of English as a foreign language. AJ Centre offers various preparation courses for the Cambridge English examinations.
Aside from complying the UK syllabus, AJ Centre made it a point to include many other additional materials from various sources to help students learn in an unconventional way. Documentaries, video and audio clips are among the many additional materials. AJ Centre use technology to help students to better excel in listening and speaking aspects of English. The contents of the materials also help to bring out the good side of the students' character.
We invite you to visit our centre and learn more about our philosophy for preparing your child for success. So, what are you waiting for ? Call up for a FREE placement test today!

What we offer

Premium Bahasa Melayu
7 years old to 12 years old
The Bahasa Melayu program is a series of customized courses designed for elementary school students. It mirrors our English program, covering four key aspects: Tatabahasa (Grammar), Sebután (Pronunciation), Kosa Kata (Vocabulary), and Pemahaman (Comprehension), along with four essential elements: Pertuturan (Speaking), Pendengaran (Listening), Penulisan (Writing), and Pembacaan (Reading).
In Malaysia, Bahasa Melayu is a core subject required for graduation in SPM.
Young Learners
7 years old - 12 years old
The Young Learners English (YLE) series of face to face course—featuring Starters, Movers, and Flyers—is designed to be fun, informative, and engaging for children aged 7 to 12. This program caters to their natural curiosity, offering a wealth of general knowledge to help them grow smarter.
Public Schools sponsorship program
Malaysia Primary Public school
Our Sponsorship Program, part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts, is designed to give back to the community. This initiative aims to offer sponsorships to interested students from our partner schools who are eager to improve their English skills. ​Additionally, the program seeks to support underprivileged students by alleviating financial burdens related to their education.
Cloud Cambridge
4 years old to 12 years old
The Cloud Cambridge is a series tailored for preschoolers and elementary school students throughout Peninsula and East Malaysia, offering an engaging virtual course to enhance their English skills. This program features interactive sessions lead by teachers trained to make learning innovative and captivating, helping students develop a love for the English language.
Holiday Program
6 years old to 12 years old
Children’s curiosity and creativity are boundless, often leading to imaginative dreams and ideas. To nurture their active imagination during the holidays, consider engaging them with theme based activities that both stimulate their creativity and build new skills.​

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